What Do Lottery Winners Spend Their Money On?

A recent report in the Bay of Plenty Times covers the issue of lottery winners and how they choose to spend their money. While we all say that we would purchase new homes and cars, there are some people who have given the question a bit more thought – and a recent study examines what those individuals would purchase.

The study found some very interesting answers, with people choosing to live out obscure dreams with their potential winnings. For example, one person wanted to build a motor bike track in his backyard while another wanted to have a life-time supply of new bed linens every night. Some answers were even more obscure, as people would purchase castles and exotic reptiles.

However, when someone actually does win the lottery, their spending seems to be a bit more grounded. One recently interviewed lottery winner paid for an expensive fertility treatment, while another funding a gastric bypass operation. Some conquests were even simpler, such as buying a Rolex watch or a pair of Prada shoes.

So, what would you purchase if you won the lottery this week? Send us a comment or an email to let us know how you would spend your winnings.

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